Amateur Radio Elmers Resource Directory (as of 11/01/94) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - A - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ John Ackerman AG9V -or- My primary interests are in packet radio network building (particularly higher speed stuff) and TCP/IP. I've got quite a lot of info on using the Kantronics D4-10 19.2kB radios, as that's the hardware we've been struggling with here. TAPR (Tuscon Amateur Packet Radio) has formed a special interest group to discuss issues of regional packet networking (Net-SIG). As a result, the TAPR net-sig mailing list was born, and is now ready for operation. This list is intended to replace any of the existing packet-related mailing lists. Its purpose is provide a medium for communications among those interested in packet radio networking, both dealing with technical issues and political/regulatory ones. We'll discuss things like how the potential 219MHz band will fit into the networking picture, how to link areas using different networking schemes, how to set network parameters, etc. The list's charter will be posted there regularly. The address of the list is and you can subscribe by sending mail to with the text "join netsig". Apart from subscribing to the list, you can contact me for further details about the Net-SIG (including upcoming conferences). (See also Bob Nielsen for more information about TAPR) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ David Andrews ZL2SX I have been involved with the Amateur Radio International Travel Host scheme. I also chair the NZART Frequency Management and Technical Advisory Group, which is responsible for all repeater coordination and band-planning (LF, MF, HF, VHF, UHF, and above) in New Zealand. I would be pleased to answer any queries with regard to reciprocal licensing or frequency coordination that may arise. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Jeff Angus WA6FWI I run NOS as a tcp/ip <--> AX.25 mail bbs gateway. I also run a few nodes, And, I have successfully installed UUPC/extended 1.11k and SNEWS for those MS-DOS afficionados out there. SCO-Unix tcp/ip and sendmail coming soon! IP Coordinator for California - Los Angeles County ( Hardware, software and wetware questions answered either with correct answers or the name of someone who does know. To contact: J. Angus PO Box 4425 Carson, CA 90749-4425 USA Or Phone 1 (310) 324-6080 all day monday, 7 am - 10 am tuesday through friday, 7 pm - 11 pm tuesday through thursday. [Editor's note: All coordinators are listed in the document at] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Jay Appell --> KA1SNA 1976-1978 FCC Personal Users Radio Advisory Committee Task force for rules Rewrite Citizens Radio Service Rules Interpretation 1988-Present Stratus Computer/ Technical Support Engineer I am CEO of Creative Media Productions a multimedia consulting company. Address: Telephone: 1-508-478-6969 X200 at Creative Media Productions 1-508-478-1429 24 Hour Ham radio BBS and other topics I enjoy SCA reception and multimedia use in Amateur Radio. If anyone would like to reach me by modem, 508-478-1429 (24 Hr) BBS 14,400. I have been referred to as the ham responsible for digital users manuals in amateur radio. The first manual was the DJ-590 and subsequent manuals included the 560,580 and 600 for Alinco. My contacts in the amateur radio community have helped other amateurs to know more about products, hidden features and new product offerings. The BBS will now include the latest info on YEASU and ALINCO products. If you have a product that you wish to have evaluated for the general amateur community, please contact before sending. If you have questions with regard to customer service at these companies, please forward to me and they will be passed to the company contacts. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - B - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ken Bass K4EVH Licensed since 1959. Experience in presently mostly Microsats, but I have experience on Modes A, B, J, and Oscars. I have concentrated on "cheap" and low-power setups, like my Microsat setup using in-the-attic homebrew/Radio Shack omnidirectional antennas. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Brian Battles, WS1O I Tel 203-666-1541, x222 I QST Features Editor I Fax 203-665-7531 I "Stamp out sex: ARRL HQ I Internet I Get married!" Newington, CT USA I Amprnet I """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" VHF packet (AX.25 and TCP/IP) HF SSB and RTTY FM/repeaters Clubs/activities Public relations Writing (for newsletters and ARRL publications) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Rob Bellville N1NTE PO Box 515 Millbury, MA 01527-0515 ATTENTION RADIO NEWCOMERS! Are you interested in radio communications but don't have enough information? Do you have questions but no one to ask? Are you looking for a publication geared toward the novice radio enthusiast? ***** FIRST CONTACT ***** "First Contact" is a newly forming publication. An electronically distributed email newsletter via the Internet for the beginner. Here is a forum to get the information you're craving. Get involved in this fascinating hobby! Scanning, ham radio, shortwave listening, CB radio, General Mobile Radio System (GMRS), etc. will all be covered. You input is essential to the success of this publication. I need to know what you want to know and what subjects you want covered in the newsletter. I will attempt to publish on a monthly basis, possible bi-weekly if there is enough interest. The only "cost" on your part is to fill out a subscription form completely (E-mail for a copy). A classified section is being contemplated with a small fee to advertise. Hard copies will be available to those without email access. Please contact me for details. Everyone is welcomed to subscribe whether you've never turn on a radio or whether you're an old-timer. I am looking for authors to contribute short articles on the subjects you request. So let's get "First Contact" off to a good start! Get your radio information via email. Subscribe NOW! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bob Billson, KC2WZ Internet: 21 Bates Way UUCP: ...!uunet!kc2wz!bob Westfield, NJ 07090 908-232-2603 (evenings) Advanced (since 1975) Troubleshooting Homebrewing C and 6809 uP programming Antennas (particularly HF) Volunteer Examiner Digital Communications QRP OS-9 operating system (UUCP is run on my Tandy Color Computer 3 :-) ) 10m is my favorite band even when it is "dead". Member of Handi-Hams. Work as an Interpreter for the Deaf (I am hearing). Interested in helping *any* would-be ham get their ticket. Ham Radio is a great(!) hobby and should not be kept a secret! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Jon Bloom, KE3Z | American Radio Relay League | Justice is being allowed to do whatever 225 Main St. | I like. Injustice is whatever prevents Newington, CT 06111 | my doing so. -- Samuel Johnson Postmaster, ARRL HQ ( QEX Editor Digital Signal Processing (DSP) IP Coordinator for Connecticut subnet ( Collecting information for the next annual ARRL Computer Networking Conference. For information about the ARRL info server, send E-mail to with the word "HELP" in the message body. ARRL info server files may also be accessed via anonymous FTP at: [Editor's note: All coordinators are listed in the document at] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ /**************************************************************************\ * Rich Bono IMRICH * * (508) 635-6300 NM1D AMPR: nm1d@nm1d.nh.usa.noam * \**************************************************************************/ Author of the following MS-DOS ham programs: AutoExam - Examination simulator and study aid AutoCW - Morse Code practice program DOSGATE - allows users to run programs on your PC remotely (AutoExam compatible) AutoCall - Allows use of the Buckmaster HAMCALL CDROM online callbook with DOSGATE AutoFax - Allows reception of weather fax using Kantronics TNC's SeeSats - Real time satellite tracking (text only), DOSGATE compatible Most of these programs are available via anonymous FTP from: or write me at: 7 Red Field Circle Derry, NH 03038 and enclose: A FORMATTED high density diskette (either 1.44 MB or 1.2 MB; 3.5" or 5.25"). A Self Addressed STAMPED return diskette mailer. A note explaining that you want a copy of AutoExam and/or AutoCW (or one of the other programs). I am always receptive to individuals interested in maintenance, enhancements, and non-commercial distribution for these shareware programs. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NETWORKS IN EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ("Nets") DIGEST "Networks In Emergency Management" is a moderated forum on the use of computer networks and networked computers in the practice of emergency management. To join the "nets" mailing list, please send e-mail to "" with the word "subscribe" in the text of the message. To remove yourself from the list, send mail to that same address with the word "unsubscribe" in the text. Check out the California Office of Emergency Services World-Wide Web and Gopher Servers: gopher:// or Gopher bookmark entry: Type=1 Name=Root gopher server: Path= Port=5555 - Art Botterell (916) 262-1600 (in emergencies) California Office of Emergency Services ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Devon Bowen KA2NRC Maintainer of the* Supplemental Archives available from: Maintainer of the Internet Ham Radio Callbook Server at: telnet:// For further information about the Callbook Server, please consult the server's help facility, the FAQ, or additional server documentation at: Please direct all other feedback, submissions and administrivia regarding these services to my E-mail address above. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Curtis Braun ( (N2HKD) Computronics, POBOX 1002 Fairport,NY 14450 Guest@Digital Telstar,Network Operations Center Kodak Apple Macintosh, IBM-PC, and Sun Computers I have extensive knowledge on Appletalk protocol down to the bit level. I have also worked with various iterations of MacTCP applications. (Routers, hubs, gateways, Ethernet, Localtalk, etc) I am also familiar with the look and feel of the Mac OS, (Ver. 6 & 7), and its associated troubleshooting. I have some application experience with numerous programs. (including ARAP Apple remote dial-in stuff). IP Coordinator for Western New York subnet ( (There is a readdressing plan which I will gladly mail to anyone who requests it.) [Editor's note: All coordinators are listed in the document at] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ John Brewer WB5OAU Wire antennas, restoration, operation and parts/tubes supplies for most 40's-70's vintage gear. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Alan Brubaker, K6XO HF Antenna Systems Contest Operating General HF Operations Propagation ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - C - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Diana L. (Syriac) Carlson Hudson, NH KC1SP QSL Bureaus (how to use them) Volunteer Examiner Service (how to become one) Macintosh Hamstacks (available from Civil Air Patrol ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Robert (Bob) Carpenter W3OTC 6 meter SSB DX Central States VHF Society "2m FM isn't ham radio, but it's a good way to contact radio amateurs." Disclaimer: Opinions expressed are those of the sender and do not reflect NIST policy or agreement. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 73 de Rusty Carruth, N7IKQ P.O. Box 27001, Tempe, AZ 85285 (602) 870-3330 !'s:{ames!ncar!noao!asuvax,mcdphx}!anasaz!rusty @'s: LastResort: Join the Usenet Un-Net: 1700-1900Z Saturdays, 28.410 or 28.390 MHz I'm willing to act as a reference for anyone wanting info on getting tapes (especially Callsign tapes) from the Department of Commerce National Technical Information Service (NTIS) or wanting other info on callsign-project related stuff. One of these days I'll actually be around for the un-net! I promise, really! My job is currently System Administrator for a large Unix site so I know a little bit about day-to-day Unix operations and Unix installation :-) I also have much experience with constructing email paths that will work rather than bounce. I also have a fair amount of experience in hardware/software interfacing and machine control. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mark Cheeseman VK2XGK Maintainer of the FAQ A copy of the FAQ may be obtained from: Please direct all feedback, submissions and administrivia to my E-mail address above. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ken Chilton KA1TIH, Advanced Class 53 Alan Road Marlborough, MA 01752 Design Engineer Amateur Qualifications: Trustee of the Algonquin Amateur Radio Club Repeaters: 446.675 -- 223.86 -- 53.47 Assistant Radio Officer for the City of Marlborough Emergency Management Agency NESMC Region 440 MHz frequency coordinator Trained in Electronics Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Sciences, Computer Programming, and Management Knowledgeable in Rules, Regs, and interpretations Areas I am also interested: Homebrewing Repeater Hardware, Control, Operation Packet (AX.25) Net Control Operations Electromagnetics and EMP HF SSB and CW operating Satellite and Shuttle operation Amateur Television Elmering new HAMs ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Derrick C. Cole KC4WEJ Anything having to do with PC's, DOS, Unix, Linux, C, NOS, TCP/IP et al is fair game. I'm not much help in the electrical/circuit department (but I am learning/applying, though! :) If you feel such information could be useful, I would of course offer any/all help I could provide. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ < ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^> < "Big Steve" Coletti > < Shortwave Listener, Broadcaster, Computer Consultant > < and all around nice guy > < Internet: ==== > < UUCP: ==== > < Fidonet: 1:278/712 US Mail: P.O. Box 396, New York, NY 10002 > < Voice: +1 212 995-2637 > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Relayer of Amateur Radio Newsline Bulletins The electronic publication of the Amateur Radio Newsline is distributed with the permission of Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, President and Editor of Newsline. The text version is edited from the original scripts and transcribed from the audio reports by Dale Cary, WD0AKO, and is first published in The Radio & Electronics Round Table on the Genie Online System. If you have any comment, suggestion, or news item you would like to submit, send them via E-Mail to or You can contact Newsline at +1 805-296-7180. It is a combination answering and FAX machine, if you have a FAX to send, wait for the voice prompt and press your fax-send button. Their US Mail address is P.O. Box 463, Pasadena, CA 91102 (please enclose a SASE for information by return mail). See the entry for Scott Ehrlich for FTP archive information and receiving Newsline bulletins via E-mail. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - D - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ John De Armond WD4OQC Marietta, GA Construction techniques, telemetry, repeater design and maintenance, most aspects of circuit design. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Rev. Michael P. Deignan KD1HZ A new ham-radio archive site and callsign server center has been set up on the Internet. The Buckmaster CDROM callsign database (which includes international calls) and all the Buckmaster CDROM public domain files are available for retrieval! To access the Buckmaster callsign server: telnet:// login as: hamradio (no password) To access the file archives: Please direct all feedback and administrivia regarding this service to ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Jeff DePolo WN3A Twisted Pair: (215) 337-7383H 387-3059W RF: 443.800+ MHz 442.700+ MHz 24.150 GHz University of Pennsylvania Chief Technical Officer, University of Pennsylvania ARC Repeater Tech, Near-Far ARC Repeater Tech, Holmesburg ARC VE Team Leader, University of Pennsylvania ARC VE Team Affiliations: ARRL, UPenn ARC, Holmesburg ARC, NEAR-FAR ARC, Mt. Airy VHF Society (Packrats), Main interests: VHF/UHF weak signal, design and construction, antenna design, VHF/UHF propagation, HF DX, VHF/UHF contesting, repeaters Volunteer Examiner VHF/UHF Weak Signal Repeater design General Homebrewing Antenna design/theory ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Betsey Doane, K1EIC Doane@CCSUA.CTStateU.Edu I am Section Manager for CT and would be happy to help folks on packet operation (AX.25), NTS procedures, Amtor, General Field Organization, ARRL and Navy MARS. My real loyalty is to NTS! I am also a blind amateur radio op having been on the air for 31 years and can probably give a hand with regards to equipment or referrals to somebody if needed. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ David Dodell WB7TPY, AFA6GB Internet: FAX: +1 (602) 451-6135 Bitnet: ATW1H@ASUACAD FidoNet=> 1:114/15 Amateur Packet ax25: Member, USAF MARS IP Coordinator for Arizona subnet ( [Editor's note: All coordinators are listed in the document at] Owner of the Land-Mobile-Radio Mailing List The purpose of this list is to allow discussion about commercial land-mobile radio equipment, its use and maintenance. Owner of the Military Affiliate Radio Service (MARS) Members Mailing List. The purpose of this list is to allow discussion about MARS (Military Affiliated Radio Service) activities. The list is open to all branches of MARS. To subscribe to or unsubscribe from either of the above lists, please send electronic mail to: and include the command: subscribe list-name or unsubscribe list-name as the first line of your message, where list-name is either land-mobile-radio or mars-list. An acknowledgement/welcome message should follow very shortly. Moderator of newsgroup Please direct all submissions to and all feedback and administrivia to For more information about, see: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - E - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thomas Edwards N3HAU Technopagan Priest Member, University of Maryland ARA - W3EAX Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Electrical and Electronics Engineering The UMARA is running a World-Wide Web hypertext page at: Give it a try! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Kim Elmore, N5OP 1103 South Gay Drive Longmont, CO 80501 I'm the Technical Coordinator for the Colorado Section. Areas of expertise: RFI/EMI Antennas DX'ing Contesting HF propagation CW Areas where I have enough knowledge to be dangerous: Troubleshooting Traffic Handling Homebrewing and construction practices ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Roy Engehausen AA4RE AA4RE Packet BBS Poster of RACES Bulletins Thanks to Chris Spell , there is now a mailing list for AA4RE BBS program sysops. I hope all will subscribe. It should be very helpful to all of us. To send a message to the mailing list send it to: To subscribe to the mailing list a user needs to send a message to: With the following in the body of the message: subscribe aa4re your_account_name@your.address.whereever To unsubscribe one would send this text in the message: unsubscribe aa4re your_account_name@your.address.whereever ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Scott Ehrlich, Amateur Radio Callsign: WY1Z How to reach me: [Internet], [Packet] Boston ARC FTP archives: Boston ARC Web page: I've played around with Mac and PC hardware, as well as dabbing a little with DOS, UNIX, MacOS, with a tad of VMS operating systems. I co-maintain the Boston Amateur Radio Club anonymous FTP file archives with Phil Temples, K9HI ( A sampling of the archives include: All ARRL bulletins are archived in the Boston Amateur Radio Club FTP area: A mirror of all files available from the ARRL info server is also available: Programs mentioned in QST are in Amateur Radio Newsline is now also being archived, too: Mike Ardai,, runs the following Boston ARC mailing lists: newsline-list (Amateur Radio Newsline) w1aw-list (ARRL Official Bulletins) letter-list (ARRL Letter) ky1n-list (KY1N VEC listing, Local Boston area VE sessions) barc-list (local Boston-area stuff) barc-races (again, local) fieldorg-l (ARRL Field organization discussions) ham-tech (Untamed technical discussions about the hobby) fox-list (local Boston stuff - T-hunting) qrp-l (QRP, or low power, radio, previously maintained by Bruce Walker at arrl-exam-list (amateur radio license examinations scheduled in the US and in some foreign areas.) arrl-ve-list (ARRL VE Announcements, run by ARRL VEC Bart Jahnke) To join any or all of the above: Send a message to: In the body of the message, type: subscribe list_you_want Ham Radio and More, the radio show carried live every Sunday (6pm - 7pm EST) on the Talk America Radio Network, now has a World Wide Web home page: The Boston Amateur Radio Club also has a World Wide Web Home Page: Due to the popularity of the KY1N VE listing and W1GSL's hamfest list, I have incorporated both of these listings into the Boston Amateur Radio Club's Web page: You will need Lynx, WWW, or Mosaic to view them. Ask me for more details about this. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - F - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ F. Kevin Feeney WB2EMS Network Video Engineer 172 Caldwell Hall Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853-2602 Phone - (607) 255-5186 FAX - (607) 255-5771 EMAIL - Pactor, Satellites, and Amateur Television I'd like to hear from people with Pactor experience, maybe even make a sched with someone for a maiden Pactor QSO. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Reciprocal Licensing (South Pacific) VHF (Propagation, Power Amplifiers) Satellites (Project Oscar) Owner of VHF Mailing List To subscribe, send E-mail to -- -=Paul Flaherty, N9FZX/5W1JX |"The enemy of the good is the better." ->paulf@Stanford.EDU | -- William "Wild Bill" Donovan ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Jay Freeman, WT9S Packet: + + internet: + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I can assist anyone with most PC installation/troubleshooting problems. I have a good deal of experience installing and configuring OS/2, have a good grasp of Unix (not a wizard yet though :), and a thorough familiarity with the ISA bus and the cards that go in it. On the radio side of things, I like digital modes and experimenting with antennas, specifically: - PACTOR and AMTOR - Configuring Kantronics All-Mode (KAM) TNC's for proper operation - Over a decade of packet experience, including setting up both DOS and OS/2 versions of KA9Q NOS - HF wire antennas, including 160m full-wave delta loops ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Monte Freeman KC4GPW Operations Department / Information Technology Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332 Internet: Bitnet: ccoprfm@gitvm1.bitnet I am the list owner of a mailing list for people who have/are interested in products produced by Advanced Computer Controls Inc. (ACC). For those who might not know what ACC does; they produce products (mostly for the amateur radio service) such as repeater controllers, digital voice recorders, remote base control units, etc. To join the ACC (Advanced Computer Controls) equipment discussion mailing-list, send E-mail to with "subscribe acc-l your-name" in the body of the message. An acknowledgement and welcome message will follow. Administrivia, policy questions, or other queries may be directed to me. (see also Mike Shirley WB6WUI) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Andy B. Fyodorov RW3AH, WL7AP PACKET: RW3AH @ R3ARES.#MOS.RUS.EU (temporarily down) IP: or PO Box 899 Moscow Zip-127018 Russia Licensed since 1975 Experience in Emergency communications, Russian ARES Chief Coordinator (since 1987) of Russian ARES Organization matters and networks Owner of R3ARES BBS General HF, Contesting, Net Controlling operations Data communications, networks (TCP/IP, AX25) computers (IBM PC, home made) homebrewing electronics antennas (particularly HF). Proficiency in CW (Morse code) (also former Ten-Tec dealer in ex-USSR) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - G - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mike Gathergood G4KFK Tel +44 01753 582085 Fax +44 01753 592726 Sysop, The CQ Centre BBS +44 01753 595468 and +44 01753 593524 Fidonet 2:252/320 Hundreds of Megabytes of Quality Software for Radio Amateurs and SWLs ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Jim Graham #include 73 DE N5IAL (/4) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERNET: | ICBM: 30.23N 86.32W AMATEUR RADIO: n5ial@w4zbb (Ft. Walton Beach, FL) AMTOR SELCAL: NIAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- E-mail me for information about KAMterm (host mode for Kantronics TNCs). KAMterm is a host mode terminal program for Kantronics TNCs that I wrote and released as shareware. My professional field is telecom (data communications is my key area of expertise). I also have experience with wire HF antennas for apartments and other small spaces. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ KJ6NN Philip Graham 723 Berkshire Place Milpitas, CA 95035 EMAIL: My skills are listed below in no special order - PC RFI reduction (Wrote a chapter for the new ARRL RFI BOOK) - Repeaters (How to put one up) - Repeaters (How to use one, without making others mad) - 1.2 GHz (My repeater is on this band) - VHF packet only (I hate HF packet) - HF DX - HF AMTOR, RTTY, ASCII - Putting up a tower and/or HF beam ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - H - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dan Halbert, KB1RT QTH: West Newton, MA, near Boston. Building homebrew QRP gear. Information about QRP-NE Club. Advice on simple antennas. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brian Hammill, KD4BFJ | Software Engineer | Exide Electronics - Small Systems Group Raleigh, NC | "Powering Your Network with Intelligent Solutions" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am especially interested in VHF/UHF and microwave amateur bands as well as Amateur television. I am treasurer and a founding member of the newly-formed Triangle Amateur Television Association in Raleigh-Durham- Chapel Hill, NC. I am willing to share my expertise in the following areas: ATV - Getting started, starting local activity, repeaters. VHF/UHF - Propagation, what you need to get started, operating portable, contesting, DX. Sealed Lead Acid Batteries - How to take care of them. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Steve Harding KA6ETB 408.252.0578 alternate: For amateur radio related information, send a message to: Place HELP and GET INDEX on separate lines in the text. HAM-server is now on a 486 with nearly 70 MB of data. Besides DOS, there are some UNIX, Mac, and OS/2 files. Most files have been taken from the various ftp-servers world-wide. However, there are many programs that have been donated by HAM-server users. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ed Hare, KA1CV | American Radio Relay League | 225 Main St. | Newington, CT 06111 | (203) 666-1541 - voice (203) 665-7531 - FAX ARRL Laboratory Engineer Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) matters Equipment Testing I want stories about automotive EMI problems, dealings with dealers, and, if possible, solutions. I plan to forward these to my contact at the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). If anyone knows the *right* people at any particular company, I want to know. I am also pursuing (via the SAE) more official channels. EMI/RFI Resource List and RFI Tips package available. A business SASE with 98 cents postage is appreciated. Electronic versions available soon. Please specify the desired documents in your correspondence. The FCC has released the results of a telephone interference survey just completed. If you would like a copy of the survey, which includes a list of telephone models checked, send an SASE with two units of first class postage to the Technical Information Service at ARRL HQ. Alternatively, you may obtain an electronic copy from the info server below. If anyone is having a problem with CATVI, send a 9X12" SASE with 4 units of postage to the ARRL Technical Department Secretary. Ask for the "EMI/RFI Package" and "EMI/RFI - CATV." The CATV package includes a reprint of the article I wrote for Communications Technology -- the journal of the Society of Cable Television Engineers. Your local cable company will recognize this publication and will give credence to the words therein. If you have any questions after you have read the material, contact me here at HQ. I can usually get back to you within a few days to offer some additional help. Many amateur radio informational documents (including EMI/RFI files) are also available from the ARRL info server. Send E-mail to with the word "HELP" in the message body. ARRL info server files may also be accessed via anonymous FTP at: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Peter Harris G4BDQ (licensed since 1972) My specialities (brace yourself!) are: QRP Do-it-yourself antennae and equipment A hatred of all Japanese radio gear Radio legend and apocrypha The use of horrific amounts of power on 160m How Amateur Radio can be fun ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Jack, W4PPT/Mobile (75M SSB 2-letter WAS #1657 -- all from the mobile! ;^) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jack GF Hill |Voice: (615) 459-2636| Ham Call: W4PPT P. O. Box 1685 |Modem: (615) 377-5980| Bicycling and SCUBA Diving Brentwood, TN 37024|Fax: (615) 459-0038| Life Member - ARRL - "Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose" Mobile Antenna Systems and Installation An FAQ list for the newsgroup is being contemplated. Please direct all submissions, feedback, and administrivia to my E-mail address above. Volunteer co-editors are most welcome. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ____ ____ | / /_ __\ | Disk Stephen Holmstead All comments (c)1994 | | / / /_/ | | Memory ...!hplabs!hpdmd48!stephen Opinions are mine, |___\ / /___| Division not my employer's. Maintainer of the Ham Satellite FAQ Available from: Please direct all FAQ submissions, feedback, and administrivia to my E-mail address above. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ed Humphries Hewlett-Packard NARC Atlanta GA N5RCK Internet Past President, Williamson County (TX) ARC Former Assistant Emergency Coordinator for Williamson County ARES/RACES 2-meter FM, VHF Antennas, Mobile Installations Organizing Amateur Radio Seminars and Programs Multiband wire antennas, Field Day Activities and general WeatherNet & public service enthusiast ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - I - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - J - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bart J. Jahnke, KB9NM | USENET: Manager, ARRL Volunteer | Examiner Program | ARRL VEC Dept. | BIX: ARRL 225 Main St | MCI ID: 215-5052 Newington, CT 06111 | CompuServe: 70007,3373 Voice (203) 666-1541 | America On-Line: ARRL HQ FAX (203) 665-7531 | ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Listings of Examination Opportunities -- bi-weekly postings * Volunteer Examining procedures - ARRL VE Manual * Support and Instruction for Volunteer Examiners - Coordinating Exams * Member, National Conference of VECs Question Pool Committee * Information on what's required to become an Amateur Radio licensee * Contributing Editor - QST Magazine - Exam Info column * On-the-air interests: VHF/UHF/SHF SSB/CW Weak Signal Operating and Contests See the entry for Scott Ehrlich for information about receiving ARRL VE announcements and examination schedules via E-mail. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - K - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Michael S. Keller AB5EL (work) (personal, checked far less often) Areas of particular knowledge: PC-style computers Mobile installations (rearranging mobile HF right now) Repeaters (after a fashion--building a 1.25m repeater) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ R.D. Keys Dept. of Crop Science NCSU Raleigh, NC 27695-7620 de NA4G, "Boat Anchor Bob", an ol' cw fart ..... If I can be of assistance in older equipment, junk-boxing your way to hamdom, the cheapskate's approach, let me know. 22 yrs a ham, extra class, mostly cw, mostly boat anchors and radio in the traditional sense. {Telegraphy has been in my family for almost 100 years!} CWISTS Friday Night Fist Function Standard time: Friday Nights at MIDNIGHT LOCAL TIME Standard freq: 80 meters --- 3702.5 khz for all hands. 40 meters --- 7102.5 khz alternate, for all hands (between the heterodynes) (someone scout out a better QRG) ___ Standard calling signal: CWIST IMI DE K (if there are no control stations calling for you to check in), or, CWIST DE K (if there is a control station inviting checkins) (The alternative check in for those OTs with salt behind the ears is a simple DE to get the control station's ears followed by DE K when the control station acknowledges.) Note: A simple informal net style protocol will generally be used, unless no control station assumes control for the evening, in which case it is an open roundtable format discussion group. Note: The midnight local time gathering is designed to maximize the number of checkins spread out over the world, so less confusion and more checkins are heard. The hope is that someone will be aboard almost anywhere and be heard at least locally, anywhere in the world. Definition: A CWIST is a person with an active interest in the PRACTICE and USE of continuous wave radiotelegraphy as directly is applicable to amateur radio. Such PRACTICE and USE may take the form of learning about radiotelegraphy and its history in amateur/commercial areas, its application to radio telecommunication, the practicing of the art and craft of radiotelegraphy, and the refining and developing of the technology of radiotelegraphy. Author of NA4G's National Electrical Code for Hams ABSTRACT This work was presented as a talk to the Homebrew Special Interest Group (HB-SIG) of the Raleigh Amateur Radio Society (RARS), on 15 January, 1991 and was revised for another presentation on 26 January, 1994. This document contains excerpts of the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70-1990) that, in the author's opinion, apply to the installation of amateur radio equipment as would commonly be found in most amateur radio stations. Direct excerpts from the Code are contained within inset quotations. Paraphrased excerpts from the Code are itemized. The author's interpretation and discussion of the Code is set full-width. The author's interpretation and discussion of various sections of the Code is not meant to be all-encompassing, nor the official interpretation of the National Fire Protection Association, nor of any offical governing body having legal authority of jurisdiction over electrical installations, but is meant to be used as a teaching tool for amateur radio operators. For ease of access, the group of files have been 'rolled into one'... (861,677 bytes, for Unix jocks) (732,309 bytes, using PKZIP 2.04g for MS-DOS users) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ian Kluft KD6EUI PP-ASEL (home) (work) Santa Clara, CA Maintainer of and FAQ lists Available from: and Please direct all FAQ submissions, feedback, and administrivia to or As with any volunteer effort, new volunteers are often needed. We need new editors to post the above FAQ's. Preferably this should be someone who has enthusiasm for hobbyist radio, experience with UseNet, and the ability to work with the other editors. No single person can know all the various aspects of these diverse hobbies so the editorial review groups are intended to make a greater combination of experience. The FAQ is currently posted with the AUTO-FAQ software, which is written in PERL. So it would be a plus for volunteers to post the FAQ to have PERL installed on their system and be able to use "cron" or "at" so that postings can go unattended. Anyone who wants to make their contribution to the Net as a volunteer should contact one of the above administrivia addresses. A mailing list for* FAQ and Netiquette posting maintainers, as well as anyone with a sincere interest in helping keep the* newsgroups the friendly and useful forums they are today, is also available. To subscribe, send E-mail to ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Steven M. Knapp KA9QOA Computer Engineering Senior Vice President Cyclone Amateur Radio Club Iowa State University; Ames, IA Durham Center Operations Staff A few members of our ham radio club were interested in helping out. Since our turnover is usually 4 years or so (graduation is a horrible thing), I thought it may be difficult for us to keep the list up to date. I thought that by creating a local mailing list called "" we could add or remove people as need be. There would always be at least one person receiving mail on that list, usually more! Even after I graduate, this list will be maintained allowing ISU hams to easily help others. Currently we have people with packet experience, some HF experience, much repeater experience, in addition to a considerable background in theory, as many here are electrical engineering or computer engineering students. If a question can not be answered by the readers of the list, there are many other local hams that could be prodded for the info. Our local ham radio club has been especially interested in helping local disabled hams (or hams to be) get on the air. But anyone local who needed help would find a group at their door ready to work. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +--- Mike Knell -- Squashed Lagomorphia on the Information Superhighway(tm) --+ | Vending machines should NEVER NEVER| SMTP thing: | | EVER eat money. - RFC1288 (Finger) | AX25 thing: G7GPA@GB7COV.#29.GBR.EU | +----------- These are my opinions, not anybody else's, so bog off. ----------+ There is now a mailing list set up for the UK TCP/IP Networking Group (UKIP). This is a loosely-organised group set up to promote the use of TCP/IP networking protocols over radio in the UK, and to encourage the establishment of high-speed backbone links and network gateways. If you want to subscribe: Send mail to This is handled by a human rather than a listserver, so be polite :-) To post to the list: Send mail to Subscription requests and other administrative bits and bobs should go to ukip-request, _not_ to the list as this just means that lots of people read your subscription message and get cross. I can personally answer quite a lot of the questions about TCP/IP-related subjects. Be forewarned that the list is fairly technical in its discussions, so probably not the best place for beginners to start :). ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I'll be glad to help out with tube circuits and VE testing. (W5YI VE# 3182) 73, Louis J. Kohnen K2ANC Penfield, NY near Rochester ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sergei L. Kulyov AA8OT, also UA3AP Licensed since 1981 E-mail: ( c/o with my wife ) Mail address: 1216 1/2 Highland St., Columbus, OH 43201 Education: avionics, radio telemetry systems General HF, contesting ( my love! ), computers, home made equipment, Antennas, HF, especially for 160/80 m., CW. Club activities: DIG since 1984, AGCW-DL Russian Navigator Company proprietor. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - L - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ John Langner WB2OSZ 115 Stedman St. #E Chelmsford, MA 01824-1823 (508) 256 6907 (home - civilized times only please) Slow-Scan Television ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Alan Larson WA6AZP My areas are fairly general, and I teach classes (Novice, with code, and upgrade sessions) at W6YX. My main audience is to the Stanford (University) community. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Zack Lau KH6CP/1 Expertise: Design of SSB/CW amateur transceivers c/o ARRL Lab : up to 222 MHz. Design of transverters Newington CT 06111 : up to 10.5 GHz. Basic lossy filter (203)-666-1541 : design. Developing repeatable projects : using cheap, easy to get parts. I'm now starting to look into 24 GHz SSB/CW gear using 10 Ghz as a convenient IF. Especially looking to help anyone wanting to be a QST/QEX author--I can't write it all myself! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------------------------------------ Bob Levine KD1GG 7J1AIS VK2GYN formerly KA1JFP <--Internet email Phone(508) 256-1300 x247 <--Packet Mail FAX(508) 256-3599 ------------------------------------------------------------ Amateur radio licensing in Australia and Japan ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Fred Lloyd AA7BQ Author of the QRZ! Ham Radio CDROM. Interested in receiving amateur radio related public domain and/or shareware programs, data files, frequency lists, etc., that would make a useful edition to the QRZ CDROM. Can help arrange volume discounts for clubs and groups, and will donate copies of QRZ to qualifying non-profit organizations. Send E-mail or call +1 602 483-2036. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - M - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Joel Magid WU1F ARES/RACES Novice Instruction General Theory ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Fred O. Maia, W5YI P.O. Box 565101 Dallas, TX 75356 1-(800)-669-9594 Volunteer Examiner Coordinator The W5YI Report License Exam Study Materials VE Exam Schedules Nationwide ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Daniel J. Meredith N7MRP Arizona Packet Coordinator Voice/Data = (602) 956-2566 Ax.25 = Internet = Owner of the PBBS Bulletin Forwarding Mailing List The purpose of this list is to provide Sysops and Networkers a server in which to forward bulletins and also discuss forwarding problems and obtain forwarding partners. This server is also for the exchange of general information relevant to all Amateur Related PBBS software packages available today. Owner of the F6FBB Packet Bulletin Board System Mailing List. The purpose of this list is to provide both sysops and networkers with tricks/tips/help as well as software updates for the F6FBB packet bulletin board system. To subscribe to or unsubscribe from either of the above lists, please send electronic mail to: and include the command: subscribe list-name or unsubscribe list-name as the first line of your message, where list-name is either bull-fwd or mars-list. An acknowledgement/welcome message should follow very shortly. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Jeffrey C. Miller NH6ZW/N0, AFA1HE USAF MARS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ John Monson WB0PLW, AAA9EC 816-854-3015, Work hours (Missouri, Central Time) Army MARS (Chief Staff Emergency Coordinator) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chris Moore N6IYS I'm currently working on the following Unix and X-Windows applications for ham radio: Logger/Awards Tracker Radio Remote Controller (for Icom, possibly others) They are still in the works, but hope to have them done soon. I'm also happy to answer questions about X-Windows in general to encourage its widespread use in the ham community. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ John Moore 7525 Clearwater Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85253 USA Amateur call:NJ7E Civil Air Patrol:Thunderbird 381 Voice: day or eve:(602) 951-9326 FAX:602-861-7642 (by prior arrangement) Civil Air Patrol Co-Host - Ham Radio and More Ham Radio and More is available for free to any AM station that is willing to run it with national ads intact. If you want there to be a nationwide amateur radio talk show, call your local station and ask them to get the program. They don't have to be part of the Talk America network. They can call KFNN in Phoenix (602-241-1510) or Talk America at 508-460-0588. See the entry for Scott Ehrlich for the Ham Radio and More World-Wide Web Page. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Tom Moore K1KAY [no E-mail address at this time] home phone: (508) 840-6843 QSX: Fitchburg 145.45 MHz Harvard 145.41 MHz 6m AM 50.40 MHz Junque-box specialties old conversions vhf-oriented shoulder to cry (or laugh) on ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bob Myers KC0EW Hewlett-Packard Co. Ft. Collins, CO Antennas, Novice/Tech instruction, batteries, power supplies, RFI, equip. testing/troubleshooting, FAQs, homebrewing. Basic theory questions also welcome. My particular interest is in antennas and transmission lines, but I'm also more than willing to answer whatever I can in general radio theory, propagation, analog and digital electronics, etc.. (I'm a display engineer in "real life", have done my share of digital design, and have taught communication electronics at the local community college. I'm also active in some display and television standards activities.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - N - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Lyndon Nerenberg VE6TCP/VE6BBM To subscribe to the DX mailing list, send an E-mail request to: asking to be added. A short introductory message will promptly follow. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bob Nielsen, W6SWE Internet: Tucson, AZ AMPRnet: [] AX.25: Tuscon Amateur Packet Radio (TAPR) I am no longer a TAPR officer, but try to help out with the TAPR file server and am the "official" contact person on the Internet and CompuServe (71540,2364). To access the TAPR file server, send E-mail to: To get the help file and a list of available files, send the following commands in the body of the message: help dir quit All mail sent to that address is not read by a human. Conversely, mail sent to is read by a human who will be glad to take your orders or process membership applications, but cannot send you file server files. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - O - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ----------------- | ___ ________ | Dr. Barry L. Ornitz WA4VZQ | | / / | | Eastman Kodak Company | | / / | | Eastman Chemical Company Research Laboratories | |< < K O D A K| | Process Instrumentation Research Laboratory | | \ \ | | P. O. Box 1972, Building 167B | |__\ \________| | Kingsport, TN 37662 615/229-4904 | | INTERNET: ----------------- Part 15 Low-Power Broadcasting Antennas (including expertise in computer modelling using MININEC and NIST modelling programs) Instrumentation (my profession) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - P - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ W. David (Dave) Paperman WQ5Y P.O. Box 7039 Cut 'n Shoot, TX 77303-0039 (H) +1 713 592-8636 (6pm to 9:30pm Central Time) (W) +1 713 770-1836 (6:30am to 3:30pm Central Time) I have a collection of service information and literature dating back to the 1920's. I will be happy to assist those needing copies of out-of-copyright information for specific makes and models of receivers, transmitters, test equipment, etc.. The collection spans commercial, amateur, and military surplus gear of all types. Unfortunately I have not taken the time to catalog all this information, but it is logically filed by make, model, etc. If you need service information for a specific piece of equipment, (and I have the information in my collection) I will research and copy it for you. Cost will vary depending on the time required to find the information and the amount of pages to be copied. I estimate 10 pages or less at $1.00/page including US postage. I will quote on larger manuals. This is NOT my career or a business. Any requests must be prepaid or I will ship COD at additional postage costs. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dave Potter, K1MBO electronics theory, regulations, antennas and transmission lines, operating practices. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ There is an active mailing list for fans of hollow state (i.e. tube) radio equipment. Send a subscription request to: and you will be added to the group! An additional note: You can save the list owner (me!) a lot of trouble by including your email address in the text of your subscription requests. boatanchors is a mail alias, not an automated listserv. Thanks! Paul Prescott N1AAC [Elmers List Editor's Note: Does anyone know what the current status of the Boat-Anchors mailing list is? I've heard rumors that it has been having technical/maintenance problems.] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - Q - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - R - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Terrence R. (Terry) Redding WB5LMJ DOMAIN: UUCP: . . . !rwsys!lawton!red!terry PACKET: WB5LMJ @ WB5MJS.OK.USA.NA Voice 405 536-8822, Ben's Place (Benjamin Franklin) BBS 536-6988 9p to 6a PhD candidate, University of Oklahoma in Adult and Higher Education Educational Advisor, American Radio Relay League 221 SW Crystal Hills Drive, Lawton, Oklahoma 73505 I am primarily an adult educator conducting research in self-directed learning. I have been involved in the following activities: - Teach licensing classes, since 1974. - Organize clubs, Stuttgart Amateur Radio Club, Panama Canal Astronomy Club, Lawton Astronomy Club. - Public speaking and publish on growth in volunteer organizations, marketing adult and higher education and teaching amateur radio courses. - Research in adult learning theory, adult motivation and organizational theory. - Conducted a SAREX activity that involve seven communities, 21 schools and 3,000 children. I am primarily interested in assisting amateur radio clubs grow. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Tony Reeves KK6XC QTH Beach Area of So. Los Angeles Torrance, Redondo Beach, Hermosa Beach, Manhattan beach Novice training, local VE for Novice-Tech tests, General questions ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Peter Reynolds CompuServe: 100276,1340 voice: +31-70-314-2401 fax: +31-70-314-2111 radio: KE4BAD Senior Scientist, Radio Branch, Communications Division SHAPE Technical Centre, PO Box 174, 2501CD The Hague, The Netherlands I am very lucky in that I earn my living in radio communications, so my expertise is fairly broad (but not focused on amateur techniques only): Modulation types - FSK, PSK, MSK Error control - various types of ARQ and FEC systems RF - Antennas, HF propagation Networking - TCP/IP over HF Frequency bands: VLF, LF, HF, VHF, UHF, SHF This is a very brief synopsis of the areas that I have dealt with over the years. I always enjoy discussing and researching a communications problem so if you don't see it listed above drop me a line anyway, especially if you happen to be in Europe. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ James J. Richards First-Class FCC Radiotelephone License 25 years of Public Safety Communications and Computer- Aided Dispatch Scanners - Digital Comm - Freqs - Business Band - Public Safety MDT's - Fax - RTTY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ _________ _________ The Scott Rosenfeld \ / Long Original Amateur Radio NF3I Burtonsville, MD | Live $5.00 WAC-CW/SSB WAS DXCC - 109 QSLed on dipoles _________| Dipoles! Antenna! CW, HF DX, and QSLing I'm by no means a QSL expert, and I don't even get the GO-list or have a packet setup to get into the local packetcluster - but I'm always glad to help out with practical QSLing tips. I still haven't been able to get any cards out of ex-Soviet Asia, and I don't know that I ever will, to be honest. Oh well, I'll just keep trying. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ John Rymell N3PFF Bloomsburg University Bloomsburg, PA Have over 25 years in electronic/computer service work, antennas, SWL, and a love of building just about anything from next to nothing (:^)! Glad to help those in need. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - S - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Stephen R. Salmon E-mail: Carlyle Systems, Inc. Phone: 415-345-2500 2000 Alameda de las Pulgas Fax: 415-349-3874 San Mateo, CA 94403 DXing - not Honor Roll, but about 200. DXpeditioning (some) - did a single-handed one to North Cooks and Palmyra in 1990 Marine operation I'm a VE (Sunnyvale VEC) and help administer the tests about every two months at the Berkeley Yacht Club. I also teach a novice class there every year or two. Reciprocal Licensing/Foreign Operation (I've done some foreign operation, and plan to do more. I'm getting ready for a circumnavigation/worldwide DXpedition). 73, Steve, AA6LF ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bob Salnick, Spokane,WA | USENET: oliveb!isc-br!tau-ceti!DejaVu!salnick Amiga 1000, WB 1.3 | INTERNET: WA9BVE | I can help people with HF stuff, cheap antennas, and am willing to help troubleshoot problems with rigs. I believe that one of the pillars of ham radio - construction/ understanding at the burn-your-hand-with-a-soldering-iron level - is drifting out of ham radio. With Japanese radios which cost so much, fewer and fewer hams are willing to risk their warranty to service their own equipment. I would like to see a turn-around here... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mark Salyzyn, VE6MGS Qualifications: Repair Technician Electrical Engineer (11+ years) Advanced Amateur (Canadian) since 1988 Advice of value: HF + VHF construction, homebrew, repair, circuitry, programming and mods Operating Mobile Packet Radio (Radio, TNC, AX.25, TCP/IP) NTS (Net Control for 80m CW Alberta Traffic Net for 3 1/2 years) Canadian Tests, Rules and Regulations Antennas, Design and Installation General Electronics, Repair, Diagnosis and Design CW training Having fun with Amateur Radio communications Maintainer of Radio Amateurs on Usenet E-mail address directory Raw Data: Experimental Search Front-End: Please direct all Radio Amateurs on Usenet E-mail address feedback, submissions, and administrivia to ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Andrew Sargent N8OFS, AAN5HJT My primary interests include: 6M AM, 10GHz, 5.65-5.925 GHz, 3.3-3.5 GHz, the fact of being a No-Code is not a crime, 2M AM, 2M FM QRP SIMP, packet radio experimentation, mobile operations, NTS, VHF Contesting, and of course... Army Mars. If your interested in Army MARS, e-mail me. If your interested in Air Force or Navy MARS, e-mail me and I will send you a list of those members which I have compiled. Try to decide, then let me know. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Nick Sayer | Just think of me as a recombinant Simp- N6QQQ @ N0ARY.#NOCAL.CA.USA.NOAM | son. Homer's looks, Lisa's brains, Bart's +1 408 249 9630, log in as 'guest' | manners, and Maggie's appetite for TV. PGP 2.2 key and geek code via finger | -- Me HF RTTY/AMTOR, Decoding CHU VHF Packet Unix, especially SunOS Network Time Protocol (NTP) Class-C Bipolar Amplifier Design Phased-Lock-Loop (PLL) Theory (except for loop filters) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Steve Schallehn, KB0AGD | Internet : Kansas State University | UUCP : ..!rutgers!ksuvax1!ksuvm.bitnet!steve Manhattan, Kansas 66506 | Bitnet : STEVE@KSUVM Packet: KB0AGD @ K0VAY.#NEKS.KS.USA.NA A contact for people with question about Kantronics packet equipment. I am not affiliated with Kantronics, but know quite a bit about them. University Clubs (Member of Kansas State ARC, W0QQQ) VHF/UHF Repeaters ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Kenneth W. Schildt N4VSD, AAA9AT Army MARS Internet/Milnet Host Administrator Army MARS has established an E-mail host on the Internet. If you are an Army MARS member and have access to the Internet/Milnet, we would like to hear from you. Please send a message to with your Army MARS call in the Subject line. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Paul W. Schleck, KD3FU Internet Services (Finding FAQ's, using Usenet, FTP, telnet, Archie, FTP mail-servers, mailing lists, etc., etc.) Club Activities, Examinations, and other events in the Omaha/ Lincoln/Council Bluffs (Eastern Nebraska/Western Iowa) area. Also willing to provide newsreader kill/select file help to anyone interested in customizing their presentation of the* newsgroups College Clubs Ham-Univ mailing list for college clubs has found yet another new home at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. E-mail for subscription information. Maintainer of this list Please direct all Elmers List submissions, feedback, and administrivia to ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Tom Sefranek WA1RHP ARRL & W5YI VE, ARRL TA, ARRL Instructor/Elmer Power supplies Antennas/Transmission lines Amplifiers I don't have as much spare time as I did at MIT, but I can (via E-Mail) answer questions, etc. I'm also on 24 hrs as (TCP/IP) wa1rhp%wa1phy@switch.bedford (AX.25) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mike Shirley - WB6WUI GEnie: SLIC PO Box 460 Lakeside, CA 92040 USA PGP v2.1 Public Key Available For archival information about ACC equipment, send E-mail to with "help" in the body of the message or try my BBS at +1 619 390-7542 (390-SLIC). (see also Monte Freeman KC4GPW) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mike Silva KK6GM Stuff I know: Antennas Circuitry (analog, digital, RF, tubes, semiconductors) Construction CW Operation (HF, VHF/UHF) Finding Parts ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Marty Squicciarini NR3Z DX and Contesting QSL'ing ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Terry Stader - KA8SCP/1, America Online Ham Radio Club Host Internet: _or_ (Files/messages larger than 27K, please send to "") KA8SCP@WA1PHY.#EMA.MA.USA.NOAM _or_ [] - registered ARRL Instructor (teaching for the last 6 years Novice/Tech classes with an 87% pass rate) - Host of the America Online Ham Radio Club (like CompuServe only a LITTLE smaller!) - President for 5 consecutive years of an ARRL Special Service Club (The Police Amateur Radio Team of Westford, MA - WB1GOF) - ARRL Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) for EMAS section - Area 1 Communications Officer for the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (formerly Mass. Civil Defense Agency) - Expertise with Apple // and Macintosh computers. (I have over 80 MB of Mac ham radio software available.) and ham-related - Operate TCP/IP with Macintosh - plus all around source of information about communications Maintainer of Macintosh Amateur Radio Software List ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bill Standerfer * Hewlett-Packard Company CFI-A, IA, ME * VXI Systems Division * Loveland, CO 80539 Baron N222AB - KF0DJ - Pikes Peak 253 * 303-679-2378 I'm certainly willing to be an Elmer if there's a need. I hope I've learned a few things in 27 years on the air. :-) Here's a list of subjects I might be able to help with: Antennas General Operating Practices Older (Tube) Equipment Test Equipment and Measurements ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Steve Sternitzke, NS5I I work with the W5YI-VEC organization ("official" title - assistant VEC) and I write the VE manuals for W5YI. Add my name to the list of people who are available to answer questions about volunteer exams, FCC policies (as related to hams), the licensing question pools, etc. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dave Stine WA2JTA/6 My areas of expertise are: - vacuum tube amps, receivers, exciters - CW operating tips - wire antenna tips, hints & kinks ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ David Stockton, GM4ZNX SWL since 1960 Licensed since 1984 (UK full class A) Degrees in electronics&comms and digital techniques etc. Currently senior design engineer doing RF design Fairly broad interest in amateur radio (but not contests!) Antennas, Transmission lines,filters from fundamental theory to practice Receiver structures and circuits from simple to state of the art. Transmitters, ATUs Test equipment Wide experience of troubleshooting/repairing equipment. Professional experience of EMC/RFI QRP UK Operation and Licensing My morse is flaky, but I keep working on it No interest in contests No interest in packet radio or in fixing computers ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ken Stuart, W3VVN 48 Johnson Road Pasadena, Md. 21122 401-437-1758 (home) via packet: W3VVN @ N3ETI.MD.USA Have been licensed since '53, currently Advanced class. ARRL Technical Advisor since '80 on Batteries and Power Supplies. You may have seen my article in the Feb. '91 issue of QST on NiCads. Authored the rewrite of the power supply chapter of the ARRL handbook in '85 when the new format was generated (large page, versus the old small size). Most of the stuff is still unmodified. Currently lecturing on battery care and feeding to clubs in the Baltimore/Annapolis area. I have been employed as a power supply design engineer for about the last 25 years. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - T - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Roger H. Taylor, PE 1106 Rayburn Ct. K9ALD AFA3WG Mahomet, IL 61853 Outdoor writer (Fishing) 217-586-4958 Skamania Reign Supreme! Manager, Network systems, OIM, University of Illinois Help on antennas, Air Force MARS, components, Tube circuits, linear amplifiers, troubleshooting. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ren J. Tescher N0PVI Resume~ AAS, Electronic Technology Electronic Technician/Sysop AAS, Computer Systems Technology Research Applications Program (RAP) 4 years consumer electronics repair National Center for 2 years calibration lab and repair Atmospheric Research (NCAR) 2 year unix sysop Rm 2078 Bldg 2, 3450 Mitchell Ln. ethernet and serial cable PO Box 3000, phased-array radar Boulder, CO 80307 (303)497-8407 doppler weather radar FAX (303)497-8401 PC's He knows enough to be dangerous. non-freon appliance repair dona nobis pacem strung interior phone lines, too! ***I will email at your request, morse code programs for the Sun, IBM Basica, and SCO which I've saved off the net.*** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bob Tidd KJ6CS Computerized DXCC databases and query software (written in BSD-Unix compatible C) available on request. Would welcome ports to IBM-PC or Macintosh. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Clark Savage Turner, Graduate Student Researcher Safety Critical Software Group home: Department of Info. and Computer Science 1514 Verano Place Irvine, CA. 92717 Irvine, CA. 92715 (714) 856 4049 (714) 856 2131 WA3JPG, QRP #3526 HHH WAS #489 Admitted to practice law in California, Massachusetts, and New York. ARRL Volunteer Counsel I would (have been doing it by default) be happy to be an Elmer in the area of older HF gear, especially QRP operation with Ten Tec Argonauts (and Power Mites, etc.). Also have experience with other 10-20 year-old economy HF rigs, particularly the Kenwood TS-520. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Paul Turvey, G1PJJ | Internet: | Amprnet: | AX25: Maintainer of the FAQ Available from: Please direct all FAQ submissions, feedback, and administrivia to ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - U - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - V - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ _____ | | Johnathan Vail (508) 663-7435 |Tegra| N1DXG@448.625-(WorldNet) ----- MEMBER: League for Programming Freedom ( IP Coordinator for East/Central Massachusetts subnet ( TAPR/9600 modem (putting some stuff together for a local repeater) [Editor's note: All coordinators are listed in the document at] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Jim Van Peursem - KE0PH Author of Savant, the packet radio communications program for the Apple Macintosh. For more information, consult Terry Stader's List of Macintosh Amateur Radio Software. Also have a few years experience in Unix (especially HP-UX) and system administration. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Frank E. van Vliet PA3FAQ I am willing to answer questions about: FILTERS integrated, distributed, lumped, active etc. MICROWAVES designing power amplifiers, low noise amplifiers, mixers etc. (Email questions are preferred) Frank E. van Vliet :-) Delft University of Technology Faculty of Electrical Engineering Postbus 5031 2600 GA DELFT The Netherlands ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - W - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ John Welch N9JZW, NNN0WYZ Navy/Marine Corps (NMC) MARS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Vikki Welch WV9K, NNN0AEE Navy/Marine Corps (NMC) MARS Region Four ECOMM Planning Officer: NNN0ASG TWO There are other NMCMARS Members on the Internet and I'll be compiling a list, if anyone is interested. I'd also welcome any correspondence with other members of MARS. We are currently considering a MARS conference on a dial-up BBS. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========== round up the usual disclaimers! =========== =Bob Wier WB5KXH - - keeper of the Adobe Photoshop, Motorola HC11, and ICOM radio mailing lists. The HC11 mailing list also encompasses discussion about the HC16. To subscribe, send E-mail to The ICOM list is for not only Ham, but SWL, Scanning, and Global Positioning System (GPS) equipment as well. To subscribe, send E-mail to ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Paul Williamson KB5MU I'm not the author of InstantTrack itself, but I was extensively involved in its testing. I'm the author of OrbitDRV (the tracking TSR that comes with InstantTrack) and a number of other InstantTrack auxilliary programs. AMSAT-NA (the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation in North America) operates the Internet host AMSAT.ORG to provide for efficient communications between people interested in the amateur satellite program. At this time two services are provided: a message remailing service and a mailing list service. In the future, an archive of files will be accessible by anonymous ftp or possibly by email. In the meantime, check the FTP site: for AMSAT-related files. Consult your local guru for help on using by anonymous ftp for AMSAT-related files. Consult your local guru for help on using anonymous ftp. The message remailing service permits users to send each other mail on the Internet without keeping track of each other's Internet address. The remailing service allows each user to receive mail sent to the address, where callsign is that user's amateur radio callsign, or other unique identifier. Mail sent to that address will be routed first to the AMSAT.ORG host at UCSD in San Diego, then remailed from AMSAT.ORG to the network address specified by the user. In most cases, this process delays the message by only a very few minutes. The mailing list service groups subscribers into mailing lists to receive certain types of messages. There are public mailing lists available to anyone, and private mailing lists available only to certain people (for example, AMSAT Board of Directors members or PACSAT command stations). Currently the following public mailing lists exist: ANS AMSAT News Service This mailing list carries official news releases from the AMSAT News Service. These messages are posted in a form suitable for direct posting to a packet radio BBS system. Each message contains a Bulletin Identifier (BID), which permits the message to be introduced into the packet network at many places without resulting in duplicate bulletins at any BBS. The primary purpose of this mailing list is to distribute ANS bulletins for redistribution (via the packet net or on AMSAT voice nets), but individuals may also subscribe for their own use. If your local packet BBS doesn't seem to get the ANS bulletins reliably, you are encouraged to post the ANS bulletins yourself. Only authorized AMSAT News Service personnel should send messages to the ANS mailing list. AMSAT-BB AMSAT bulletin board This mailing list carries general AMSAT information. This information may NOT be suitable in content for transmission via amateur radio, so automatic reposting of AMSAT-BB messages to packet radio BBS's is discouraged. The purpose of this mailing list is to provide a forum for general discussion of any satellite-related topic. Anyone may send messages to the AMSAT-BB mailing list. Simply address your message to, and it will be automatically forwarded to all subscribers to the AMSAT-BB mailing list. Editors of publications should ask permission of the sender before publishing anything seen in AMSAT-BB elsewhere, unless the posting was obviously a public press release. However, posters should realize that anything posted to AMSAT-BB is essentially public. KEPS Keplerian Elements mailing list This mailing list carries official postings of Keplerian element sets for satellites of interest to radio amateurs. Like the ANS bulletins, these messages are posted in a form suitable for direct posting to a packet radio BBS. Only authorized AMSAT News Service personnel should send messages to the KEPS mailing list. NASAINFO NASA related information mailing list This mailing list contains information about current and planned NASA space missions. Be forewarned: at times this mailing list delivers many large messages. SAREX Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment mailing list This mailing list contains information and press releases pertaining to SAREX missions. To obtain any of these services, just send a message to the address This address may be reached from CompuServe MAIL as: > For the moment, the maintenance of the AMSAT.ORG mailing lists and remailing aliases is done manually. Later, this service will probably be automated and you will have to follow a strict message format. For now, you may send requests in free format. They will usually be processed within a few days. In general, you will not receive an explicit reply to your request. Be sure you specify: 1. Which mailing list(s) you want to receive 2. Your callsign, if any 3. The Internet address to be used, if different from the one in your From: header. You should not send messages about your subscriptions to any of the mailing lists. Send them to instead. This includes questions, requests for changes, requests for information about mailing services, and complaints. The list of amateurs who may be reached via the message remailing service may be obtained by requesting the "address book". Note that the address book as distributed contains only the callsigns of the available addressees, not their actual Internet addresses. The address book is updated occasionally, and does not necessarily contain the very latest information. You may request to be added to the list, to be deleted from the list, or to have your Internet address changed on the list. Please include your callsign if you have one. If you don't have a callsign, that's OK, but please say so. If you have more than one Internet address you want to have available on the AMSAT.ORG remailer, you may so specify. For instance, if you have a regular Internet address and a CompuServe account, you may appear in the address book as both w1xyz and w1xyz-cis. Mail sent to w1xyz would go to your Internet address, and mail sent to w1xyz-cis would go to CompuServe. MCImail accounts have the form w1xyz-mci, and so on. You may also subscribe or unsubscribe to any of the public mailing lists described above. Send a message to, specifying clearly which mailing list(s) you want to add or drop, and giving your callsign if you have one. When you subscribe to a mailing list, you will automatically be added to the remailing service as well, because the mailing lists are maintained by callsign. If you have more than one address listed in the remailing service, please indicate which one(s) you want the mailing list messages sent to. Additional mailing lists, public or private, can be set up as needed. Send mail to for details. Questions about any service offered by AMSAT.ORG may be directed to as well. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Areas of Interest: ARES/RACES, Emergency Comm, and ARRL Field Organization. 73's de Steve Wilson, KA6S SCV Section Manager 813 Berryessa St. Milpitas, Ca 95035 Hm (408)946-7410 Wk (408)473-2580 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bob Witte HP Colorado Springs Division P.O. Box 2197 Phone:(719) 590-3230 Colorado Springs, CO 80901 Radio: KB0CY "There is no such thing as ground." -------------------------------------------------------------------- Mobile RFI Equipment Testing (instrumentation) Repeaters VHF/UHF (including mountaintopping/portable operation) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ John F. Woods WB7EEL Maintainer of My List of Mail Order Electronics Companies Available from: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - X - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - Y - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Conway Yee N2JWQ 2144 East 21 Street Brooklyn, New York 11229 Maintainer of the Universal and Free Listing of Repeaters for Radio Amateurs This listing with all the data is available for anonymous FTP from: An experimental search and submission front-end is available at: As far as I am aware, all the data is freely redistributable and my intent is to make sure it stays that way. For this reason, I have applied the GNU General Public License. The repeater project will now include repeaters from ALL bands and is not limited to the US. This reflects the intent to make this directory universal. Contributions of data may be made by anonymous ftp to: or via email to The data format has not been changed from the old format so contributions that you were planning to make (prior to my recent troubles) are still current and most welcome. This repeater listing will be of use if people take an active part in making it accurate and useful. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - Z - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Martin A. Zurn IK2RMZ, DL1GBZ Home QTH: v. Fermi 10, 21027 Ispra (VA) Italy (Northern Italy near Swiss Border) Position: Lat 45d49m N Long 8d38m E WW-Loc: JN45ht On air: CW only, 160 thru 10 incl. WARC, wire ant only Work QTH: TP 680, Centro CCR, 21020 Ispra (VA) Italy E-mail at work: Expertise: Technical: Elbugs (incl. features like dot/dash memories, squeezing, touch sensors, auto spacing) Antennas used: Windom, Delta Loop, Trap Dipole, Marconi wire. Operational: CW Operator since 1981, QRP Operation, Traffic handling nets (NTS, Swedish QTC nets) CW operating in several West European languages (Ham radio shorts, use of foreign CW characters in Italian, German, French, Spanish, and Swedish). QSLing (How to design a QSL that satisfies award hunters and operators of the QSL buro) Club life: Mbr of AGCW, UFT, GQRP, HSC, VHSC, SMHSC, SCAG,... Admin: License Regulations in Italy and Germany Mathematics: Spherical Trigonometry, beam headings, calculation of sunset/sunrise times, etc. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ End of Directory